12/03/12-17:56:17:035 (2572) 1 1 errors during journal restore, see cconsole.log file for details. Startup aborted, entering single user mode. Enter Cache' with C:\intersystems\cache\bin\cache -sf:\intersystems\cache\mgr -B and Do ^STURECOV for help recovering from the errors.
Journal recovery options
1) Display the list of errors from startup
2) Run the journal restore again
3) Bring down the system prior to a normal startup
4) Dismount a database
5) Mount a database
6) Database Repair Utility
7) Check Database Integrity
8) Reset system so journal is not restored at startup
10) Display Journaling Menu (^JOURNAL)
H) Display Help
E) Exit this utility
Enter choice (1-10) or [Q]uit/[H]elp?
Option? // 1から10の数値を入力